Image by 춘성 강
It’s almost a New Year. A time when folks take a moment to reflect on some things they should do differently. A time for asking yourself, “What do you want?” and committing to change. They are often seemingly simple things on the surface but ultimately require a complete change in lifestyle (or at the very least, an overhaul of time management). You know the normal resolutions: work out more, eat healthier, cook at home more in lieu of going out, more time for self care, etc. These are great and worthwhile goals of course, but they’re not one-step processes. You don’t just jump from working out exactly zero times a week to being in the best shape of your life. You start by getting a gym membership (or finding a solid, no equipment YouTube instructor). When we can go to gyms again, perhaps finding some gym buddies who know what they’re doing. Maybe think about signing up for some classes or a trainer. Then figure out a way to be consistent and develop a routine.
What do you really want?
Those are the things you are actually doing and the steps look different for everyone, however the first real step is to figure out what you really want. Nobody just wants to start eating healthy. The usual unhealthy foods taste amazing (and are often even designed to make you want more but that’s another story). What people want is to be healthy. I believe folks know, subconsciously at least, the real reason they make the resolutions they make. It’s not about the resolutions, it’s about the feeling they will get. If we work out, eat right, get healthy, perhaps we’ll look better or feel better and that joy is what we’re after.
Why do you want it?
I propose that when asking yourself this question, what do you want, ask yourself as well what about it makes you want it? If you say what you want is to be a voice actor, what about that endeavor is appealing to you? You may find another layer to this, or several others, which may be a more accurate depiction of what you want. Of course happiness is what we all look for but what about voice acting makes you happy? If it’s the potential for “fame” or “admiration”, you should probably look elsewhere. Hopefully it’s the actual acting rather than any sort of external outcome or product created. If so, you will do what you need to do to make it happen. Figure out what would bring you joy.
You May Already Have It
That’s the key. Figure out what it is you really want: that thing that’s neighboring as close as possible to the joy itself. The next steps might not be immediately clear-cut. As with the usual New Years resolutions, the path is different for everyone. You will however figure out a way, not “the” way, your way. Constantly better yourself through classes/education and practice. Seek out opportunities (they won’t just “come to you”). Work, work, work, and repeat the process. Then all you need to do is realize that in this process, you are already getting to do the thing you want to do. There’s no top goal to be reached. You’re doing it. If you are pursuing what you love and getting to do it in some capacity (even if it’s just auditioning), take a moment to appreciate that.
…what do you want?