Life is usually passing by too fast for me. I go through my day accepting the things that need repair both in my physical space and in my body and mind. This week I learned more about what is under the surfaces of my world. I’ll share what I’ve learned.
What’s Underneath the Surface?
Attending The Success Series Workshop this week, Anikiko explored some underlying issues that can inhibit success. We learned that our verbal statements, our negative thoughts, and even (especially) our subconscious mind can have powerful consequences, both positive and negative.
There are many physical and metaphysical things in our world that we ignore, can’t see, or refuse to pay attention to. Ignoring these things can have a disastrous effect on our lives, our health and our success.
Underneath My Surface
I have some health issues both mental and physical. I won’t go into detail but I will say I’ve been ignoring some things for too long. I’ll admit that I’m overweight and I rarely visit a doctor unless I’m dangerously ill.
I also have a tendency to be negative at times. It’s easy to do. If I’m presented with a task that is challenging, I will see the issues first before I see the benefits. This is something I’m working on daily.
During the Success Series, Anikiko presented a method to access your subconscious mind to provide clarity to some important life questions (she called it a hack but I’d call it a form of self hypnosis). I’ve been using this technique during the week to reveal some truths about myself and to try and reverse some of that negativity.
What’s the Point?
I have some personal work to do that can potentially improve life, my relationships and my health. Isn’t that a definition of success?
Underneath My Physical Surface
So here then is an analogy. I have had the same vinyl floating floor in my kitchen for 10 years. A floating floor is not glued down.
During that 10 years, I’ve had to replace a leaky dishwasher, I’ve had to replace a sink, and have had leaks under that sink. Most of all – unnoticed by me or my wife, we had a flashing problem along with the back door of the house.
We were satisfied with the surface of our kitchen floor all this time. The baseboards were pitted and there was this one piece of quarter round that would pop off on occasion, but for the most part it looked nice. Like my physical and mental state, I never looked below the surface and just kept patching issues.
The floor was starting to buckle in a few places so I called a contractor friend, Taghi from Waze Development. He agreed to trade some web work in exchange for a floor install. We were going to rip up the old floating floor in about an hour and install the new floor over the subfloor in about 5 to 6 hours.
Then We Looked Below The Surface
Under the floor there was a quarter-inch ply, under that was two layers of vinyl flooring, under that was another quarter-inch ply and in some places linoleum, finally a 3/4 inch plywood subfloor. Water had sucked in between all the layers from under the door, sink, and dishwasher over the years. Every color of mold was present. I had a pond in my kitchen.
Thankfully, Taghi and I were able to remove the entire subfloor, the back door, and all the baseboards. What had been a $600 job and six hours work, turned into two long days 10 – 12 hours each and $3000.
I’m My Old Kitchen
I need to fix myself, and it’s not a few hours or a few days or one visit to the doctor. I need a plan and a commitment to spend the time to do the work necessary so that my next 20 years can be more successful.
What’s Under YOUR Surfaces?