I love to think about Persistence as a Dance, one where we are in the constant ebb and flow with ourselves, with others and the Universe. So much comes from staying the course, internally and externally that we must learn to be flexible while embracing the ups and downs of the Persist-Dance journey mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially.
Everything is Energy…
… and when we learn how to work with it, move with it, feel with it, think with it and flow with it, Persist-Dance becomes a wonderful aspect of living and BE-ing. It is not always graceful and is often messy, however it’s worth the consistent effort because the gifts on the other side are priceless (at least that’s been my experience anyway).
Blumvox Studios
We birthed Blumvox Studios with a Vision and it took Persist-Dance to realize it. We’ve had to Dance through the hoops of creativity to keep this ship afloat. The first 4 years (our whole existence really, lol!) has come with many ups and downs, extreme challenges, and at times, great despair. We’ve been met with one obstacle after the next. Had we not stayed true to the Vision (through persistence, AKA persist-DANCE) and the desire to succeed, we’d have wiped out by now.
Thankfully Blumvox Studios has had some great successes along the way, and continues to. This has kept us moving/dancing forward in the right direction. It has made all of our trials and tribulations (thus far) worth it, especially because we know how grateful, you, our students have been. Your love and commitment keeps us going and gives us the strength to STAY Persistent too, even when it feels damn near impossible. Your smiles and your achievements have made every moment worth it for us.
YOU Are a Business Unto Yourself
Persist-Dance is a key component in realizing your dream and passion in this life and without that, you’re bound to derail. As Chuck Duran shared during our Guest Teaching Series (located in your class archives), “You are in a multi-gazillion dollar business of your own and if you treat it like a business, it’ll pay you like a business. If you treat it like a hobby, it’ll cost you money”.
Building a business from the ground up is no easy feat. Anyone that tells you different is not being transparent or honest with you. I share this because each and every one of you is a business unto yourself as a voice actor, on-camera actor, speaker, musician, creative and/or artist.
Explore business, what it entails, find a process that will support you in baby steps along the way and make it a reality. One of my mentors, Adam Markel, can support you in just that, Pivoting into your dream life with his book Pivot. His process will guide you to your passion, one step at a time, if you’ll let it.
YOU Are Your Own Unique Brand
Cultivate it. You get to choose how you’d like to express yourself in the World and once you make that decision, it’s up to you to do whatever it takes to stay consistently Persistent until YOU Realize it.
Some days are easier than others and that is why I refer to it as a Persist-Dance, because it’s truly learning how to move with the ebb and flow of life without ever giving up, no matter how difficult it may be. Some days you fall on your face and others you’ll glide gracefully like a beautiful song.
Doing Whatever It Takes
If you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed at your passion, one day you’ll wake up and realize that you’ve arrived to the Dream you’ve always carried within your Heart and Spirit. I believe that is why we come to the planet and it’s why we exist – to realize our true gifts and talents so we can share them with the World. That to me is humanity in its purest form, one that is co-created with the Divine.
What Do YOU Want?
I’d like to encourage you to take some time to get crystal clear on what it is that YOU want for your life.
What do you feel passionate about?
What is your Dream, the real one, not the one that others have planted in your mind?
What is it that drives you deep down on the inside?
What makes you feel SO alive that it scares the shit out of you?
What are you willing to give up, change or sacrifice to make it happen?
What would you like to be known for in this World?
What is your unique mark?
Those are the kinds of questions to ask yourself so you can truly enVision what it is that you want for yourself and your life. Once you get clear, Persist-Dance, along with support and commitment, will get you there. I speak from experience and know this to be true.
Give yourself the gift in answering these questions. Take your time and be authentic with YOU. With clarity comes results, the kind that take you to heights you didn’t even know you were capable of.
Big Hugs BVS Community! I love you.
~ Trina
Some Cool Offerings:
Blumvox Studios is so much more than a Voiceover teaching house. We are a community. We are steeped in personal development and spirituality. We believe in people living their best lives and doing the deep inner work to get themselves there. Simply put, we are a Tribe of support, so come hang with us! With community comes invincibility.
I find that quotes help me on the daily…
I read multiple quotes regularly, all the time. Here is a great resource to support you in up-liftment when you’re feeling down, confused, discouraged, etc… Community offers support. Let’s pull together and rise.