Are you ready?

- Steve Blum
Looking down at Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, California with the sun setting in the background.

“Are you ready” is the answer to many of the questions our students ask. In this article we’re focusing on location – where YOU live and whether or not you should move in order to be more successful in Voiceover.

If you’ve found yourself asking:

“Do I need to move to one of the bigger cities to make it in V.O?”

“Am I limiting my chances of success by living in a small town?”

“What about Los Angeles? Or New York? Or Atlanta?”

It’s a lot like the answer to “Should I make a Demo?”, or “Should I get an Agent?”:

Are you Ready?
Do you have the Skillset?
Do you have the Acting chops?
How much Work have you done?
How hard are you willing TO work?

I encourage you to read this fantastic article from my dear friend and colleague Dee Bradley Baker.

Dee was one of the first guest teachers in our classes, and his website I Want To Be A Voice Actor is one of our recommended Resources. It’s a treasure trove of advice and insights from one of the absolute best in the business. This article is no exception.

If you’re thinking about moving to any of the big centers for VO around the country, please read this first.

We want to see you win. It’s why we provide these online resources and write these articles. We want to set you up for the journey.

We want to see you succeed!

HOW you move along your journey in VO is just as important as WHERE you move to pursue it.

Take the time. Do the work. And don’t take that next step until you know you’re really, really ready.

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